It Could Be Worse

It Could Be Worse. (ICBW.) is a one-person performance exploring issues of economic polarization, immigration, racism and xenophobia in Finland.

ICBW. is presented as an unconventional convention given by one host (Felix Kuullppaa) on the theme of “it could be worse.” It is a playful experimentation with traditional presentational forms: conference-convention, monologue, stand-up, and power-point presentation. Performance languages: 80% English, 10% Finnish, 5% Swedish, 1.1% Russian, 0.9% Czech, 3% Other.

Performance History

ICBW. was premiered at Takomo Theatre in Helsinki, Finland on May 5th, 2014. After a run of six shows, it received praise form audiences and critics alike. It was later presented at the InterKultFest at Stoa on September 13th, 2014.


ICBW. was produced in cooperation with Teatteri Takomo and supported by Kultuuriyhdistys Culture Current ry, and by grants from the Arts Promotion Center Finland and the Finnish Cultural Foundation.


Performance Sources

ICBW.’s subject matter is drawn from on one hand from the author’s personal experience (as a white Czech-American immigrant to Finland) as well as interviews of individuals who have been affected by the immigration debates in Finland, and people who have strong opinions about the immigration question. In gathering the material for the performance, we interviewed and photographed recent and long-time immigrants to Finland, first-generation Somali and Indian Finns, middle-aged Finnish men, Swedish-speaking teenagers as well as well-known individuals like Li Andersson, Jussi Halla-Aho, Simon Elo, Heikki Hursti and Ben Zyskowicz.

Creative Team

Writer, director, actor: Alexander Komlosi

Sound Design: Ina Aaltojärvi

Set Design: Camilla Nenonen

Light Design: Heikki Paasonen

Technician: Markus Heino

Interviews: Tuukka Pasanen

Photography: Paula Virta

Selected Reviews

  • “De främ­lings­fientli­ga röster­na hör vi när Alexan­der Kom­losi äter bulle till­sam­mans med Jus­si Hal­la-aho i ett videok­lipp. Hal­la-aho dröm­mer om ett Fin­land som inte erb­jud­er infly­t­tade några som helst sociala stöd­former, något som får Kom­losi och pub­liken att rul­la på ögo­nen. Vi skrat­tar åt cirke­largu­menten och den över­lag enkel­spåri­ga retoriken, sam­tidigt som vi vet att ett verk­ligt, skräm­mande San­n­fin­land lurar där någon­stans bakom knuten. Det kan bli värre, myck­et värre.”

Ätä bulle med en främling, Isabella Rothberg, Hufvudstadsbladet, 07.05.2014

  • “It could be worse on … tärkeä avaus. Maa­han­muut­ta­jataus­tais­ten ään­tä suo­ma­lainen teat­teri toden tot­ta tarvitsee.”

Maria Säkö, Helsingin Sanomat, 09.05.2014,

Other publicity

  • A Youth­ful Fes­ti­val of Cul­ture, James O’Sullivan, Helsin­ki Times, 11.09.2014

  • Yhden miehen maa­han­muut­tokon­fer­enssi, Tiina Van­hanen, Voima, 4.2014

  • It Could Be Worse. at Teat­teri Takomo

  • InterKult­Fest ‑fes­ti­vaalin ohjelmistoa

More Information

Please contact Alexander Komlosi,

It Could Be Worse…in your home town – Jakobstad 18.11.

It Could Be Worse…in your home town is a performance on the theme of immigration in Finland hosted by Felix Kuullppaa. This trilingual (English/Swedish/Finnish) ”Unconventional Convention” was presented in April at Wasa Teater. Now it’s time to see if It Could Be Worse in Jakobstad.


It Could Be Worse…in your home town – Vaasa

It Could Be Worse…in your home town is a performance on the theme of immigration in Finland hosted by Felix Kuullppaa. The premiere of this trilingual (English/Swedish/Finnish) ”Unconventional Convention” at Wasa Teater is the first stop on our tour of Ostrobothnia.


It Could Be Worse.

It Could Be Worse. (ICBW.) is a one-person performance exploring issues of economic polarization, immigration, racism and xenophobia in Finland.

ICBW. is presented as an unconventional convention given by one host (Felix Kuullppaa) on the theme of “it could be worse.” It is a playful experimentation with traditional presentational forms: conference-convention, monologue, stand-up, and power-point presentation.